How do we manage the contrast of the light inside us, and the dark that surrounds it.
How do we express our jurisdiction?
Miseducate my native heart to an illiterate level.
Then when I've realized I've spilled the corn milk, I clean it with the same rag I used cleaned my wounds.
To me it was the first thing I didn't understand...
so I called it my first nation.
Trying to pick pedals from a white lotus only to see I'm plucking feathers from a white dove.
I thought it was my learning disability only to find out it was the teachers fault.
The preachers fault. Steven's fault. He needs to be punished. But what he is asking for is forgiveness. Promising to eliminate fear on the streets by alienating the serene tears of peace.
Promising to bring music to our communities then giving us blue and white glock-n-peels
that only play music to our mother's fainting. Panting. Asking God to forgive us.
The streets painted with her name are the safest streets in the galaxy.
But I fuck up. And I don't live on that street. I'm being punished.
Cuz I don't know any better that what this hand charging down on me has taught me.
Punishement is debated under jurisprudence while forgiveness pickets outside. Compassion is calling for the return of due diligence
because the moderates are the true militants.
File a galactic class action suit against the advocates dressed in pinstripe suits
My wind pipe is loot. I sin tight. Cooth. Live from the booth I transmit mistakes and errors so you buy my songs with chains and terror.
Lying men write about punishment while honest slaves write to forgive. I fucked up. So I dig for forgiveness. I dig for repentance. Through the mountains of cyclical time I dig for acceptance But as a minor, I am being hauled up for strict punishment despite me being a child.
An innocent fuck up who is doing no better than the crooks who pump iron fists and spew forked salivaa.
I'm only alive today as a guarantee so I write mandatory sentences.
No pardon for those who beg their pardons.
Down the drain is where the spartans are taking us,
I wanna fuck it all up. Shove the gavel up your honors pussy for being so vile and raunchy. Raw and frigid. They write laws but us who walk with God know that fucking up is a law,
and without cliches in mind, Allah forgives and is the law.
I write For my love of weed and women, my love for my friends who pimp and carry crack rocks in their denims, for the pusher without a choice and the woman without a voice. For the love of crime and ego, for the love of police raids and sawed off shot guns.
For those who appropriate judgement while the meek inherit the earth.
For these accelerated days of pride and shame, of ego and flame,
I say I do not want to live in a place that values punishment over compassion, uniformity over the asessment of of context and circumstance. I only wanted forgiveness to be our penance but it appears we are fuck ups. And we are being punished, rather than being forgiven. ------------------------------