Sunday, March 10, 2013

if he was she

She was a seamstress that walked on water
It was said that men who used to drag her by the hair converted to worshipers
Running their fingers through her locks like children

When I rub the breast of her gold
body hanging on my chest
Men drunkenly confess all their good deeds

Back home we hang blood cloths above our doors to ward off evil spirits

During the rule of mother Magdalen over Rome, generals surrendered to their horses made rooms for their hearts by cutting off their tongue

Missionaries traveled to Europe to save the souls of the civilized

child priests drink pomegranate juice for moon day mass

A space camel, three wise hookers and Meryl Streep all arrived with gifts the moment she was born

When Columbus arrived to America
He washed the natives feet
And cried birds from his eyes
When he saw the extraordinary beauty of their faces
When I pulled her off the cross
She walked it off and asked if I was hungry

They used a wood saw when they castrated Joseph at the age of seven

Heavens fully equipped with 72 male virgins

The kingdom of God is in the hands of the Dula

We measure time in the speed of dreams

Militaries are humanitarian efforts

The church is a living body of water
The mouth of a river
The shade of a tree

When mothers pass
We tattoo crimson roses on our stomachs

The resurrection was her giving birth on the cross

As me and my homeboys were puffing blunts and pinning our hijabs to cover our beards
We bragged about the mercy we'd had on our fathers

If jesus was a woman

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