Monday, October 18, 2010

Adam is Atom. Mankind Is Medicine

As a community, we could collectively catalog all the poems recited during the 2010
Canadian Festival of Spoken Word, detach the name of the poets from the poem itself,
hand over the poetic calendar to individuals chosen and agreed on by the community as
"Elders of Humainties' Movement Towards Transcendence from Enslavement." They should
write additional summaries of the Gazette Canadiana 2010 and submit the compendium to
the House of Commons who shall take it into serious considerations as a legitimate document
instrumental to assessing the Vital Signs of Canadian Society.

Just a thought.

What I really mean to say is that God is the script writer, the narrative that matters is much bigger than winners or losers. The Canadian Festival of Spoken Word was amazing, in its eloquence, flare and significance to the community. As a first timer, my experience allowed me to ground myself in the larger context of the lands of Canada and bask in the gifted brilliance of Canada's Best Wordsmiths. Genius after Genius, poets covered cardinal topics intrinsic to the human experience. There was something for everyone and then some. We also got to observe the power that spoken word carries to spark an active flame in the human spirit which manifests itself in a wide array of responses, from wild incoherent cheering to somber, heavy contemplative states that beg people to look at something in their lives differently. Either way, you leave the venue with much more than what you arrived with, all due to words mixed with spirit mixed with community.

Through my eyes, the best way to describe it was 5 days of prayer. Despite our tendency to
integrate game theory in all that we do in this technosphere of illusions, my experience was a different one, especially with the uncompromising nature of my teammates, and their insistence on the complete attention to the originator of actions, Intention. More than hours of practice time and cathartic releases, were days of contemplating intention.
To quoteAmir Junaid Muhadith (formerly known as "loon" of Bad Boy Records),
"This Dunya ain't about nothing". That is, this world we recognize as our physical existence, is not our permanent dwelling or destiny. It is more like a hotel room. Most people do not care how they live or how they leave the hotel room. They drink, throw garbage on the floor, steal, bend the rules and some do not even flush the toilet. They are detached from the aftermath and consequences of their actions because they know they will leave it forever and someone else will deal with it, much like us in this world. Now this does not mean carelessness is allowed to ensue, it is precisely the opposite.

If we recognize that we are returning to our Home as One with God, we can remain faithful to our homes even when we are away temporarily. The pious partner does not transform into a philanderer on his travels, rather he carries his home with him, behaving as if his family was in front of him. Integrity at all times should only be in reference to the Creator - there is never a middle man or entity. Why bless the bowl when we can praise the ocean?

My team worried little in terms of strategy and points, our focus was on becoming better slaves, so that The Master of the Unseen could articulate the divine narrative through our words. In submission to Allah, we could not lose, because his Will was the Will of the Worlds, The Will of Creation, The Will of our own Free Will, The Will of His Melody, The Will of His Synchronicity, The Will of the Sustainer of Sound, Projector of Voice and Master of All Things Audible. Urban Legends went hard Every Time. There was never an option not to get it in, to go in, to go deep, to O.D., To Zone In, To Zone Out, To Go Meta! We wanted to please God everytime, and in this agenda, our collective Iman exploded from our hearts.

Joy and gratefulness was our prize. Appreciation Through Our Creator was our trophy.
Uncompromising dedication to our intention to raise the consciousness of the masses as the Poetry Vanguard was our Honor.


Suspend yourselves infront of Yourself! That is what the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word is about. Presence. The most powerful way to recognize and admire ones own presence is to suspend it in front of ourselves.

The poetry brought by the poets is a way of suspending our collective selves in front of our selves, giving rise to a degree of appreciation and hunger for life we were not previously aware of. As my brother Nathaniel Larochette, festival director said,
"Sometimes it feels as if life leads us away from our hearts path, but in fact, it is just our hearts way of reminding us how beautiful its appearance is from a distance, for it knows we often need this perspective to respect it"

Mankind is its Own Best Medicine.

Thank you To All and Any that Supported the Team and I. You are like Medicine for me.

No one proves my point better than my Sister, Hodan Ibrahim.


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